Kaixo Familiak, Hemen duzue Ingeleseko klaseetan ematen duguna errepasatzeko erabilgarri izan daitezkeen bideo, historio eta abestiak. Ikasten gozatu! Aquí teneis de videos, historias y canciones para repasar los contenidos que damos en clase. Pasarlo bien aprendiendo! Here you have different videos, stories and songs that help review the contents learned in the classroom. Enjoy learning!!


PRIMARY LEVEL 2 15/6/2020

Good morning pupils!! How are you?

Let´s revise some contents we learnt in this school year!

Here you´ve got today´s activities:

- Write today´s date in a notebook.
(as in the class. Example: Saturday, 13th June, 2020)

- Remember the next vocabulary: accessories.

- Remember has got / hasn' t got.

- Look at the model* and choose one friend, draw and colour a picture of him/her disguised with two accessories and write 4 sentences about him/her (two with has got and two with hasn't got).



has got = dauka (tiene)
hasn' t got = ez dauka (no tiene)


Jane has got a mask.
Jane has got a blue wig.
Jane hasn' t got earrings
Jane hasn' t got glasses.

Ikasturtean zehar ikasitako gauza batzuk errepasatuko ditugu!

- Gaurko data idatzi.
(gelan bezala. Adibidez: Saturday, 13th, 2020)

- Gogoratu goiko hiztegia (accessories).

- Gogoratu has got / hasn' t got.

- Eredua* begiratu eta lagun bat aukeratu. Laguna mozorroturik marraztu eta margotu eta bere ondoan edo azpian berari buruzko 4 esaldi idatzi (bi has got erabiliz eta beste biak hasn' t got erabiliz).

¡Repaso de algunos contenidos aprendidos durante el curso!

  - Escribir la fecha de hoy.
(como en clase. Ejemplo: Saturday, 13th June, 2020)

         - Recordar el vocabulario de arriba (accessories).

         - Recordar has got / hasn' t got.

- Siguiendo el modelo* elegir un/una amig@ y dibujarlo disfrazado. Pintarlo y escribir 4 frases sobre él (dos usando has got y las otras dos con hasn' t got).


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