Kaixo Familiak, Hemen duzue Ingeleseko klaseetan ematen duguna errepasatzeko erabilgarri izan daitezkeen bideo, historio eta abestiak. Ikasten gozatu! Aquí teneis de videos, historias y canciones para repasar los contenidos que damos en clase. Pasarlo bien aprendiendo! Here you have different videos, stories and songs that help review the contents learned in the classroom. Enjoy learning!!


Hold my hand

Akon and MJ, oh yeah This life don't last forever (Hold my hand) So tell me what we're waiting for (Hold my hand)
We're better off being together (Hold my hand) Being miserable alone (Hold my hand)
'Cause I've been there before And you've been there before But together we can be all right 'Cause when it gets dark and when it gets cold We hold each other 'til we see the sun light
So we can just, hold my hand Baby, I promise that I do all I can Things will get better if you just hold my hand Nothing will come between us if you just Hold, hold my, hold my, hold my hand (Hold my hand)
The nights are getting dark (Hold my hand) And there's no peace inside (Hold my hand)
So why make our lives harder (Hold my hand) By fighting love (Tonight baby)
'Cause I've been there before And you've been there before But together we can be all right 'Cause when it gets dark and when it gets cold We hold each other 'til we see the sun light
So we can just, hold my hand Baby, I promise that I do all I can Things will get better if you just hold my hand Nothing will come between us if you just Hold, hold my, hold my, hold my hand (Hold my hand)
I can tell that you're tired of being lonely Take my hand, don't let go, baby hold me Come to me and let me be your one and only 'Cause I can make it all right 'til the morning
I can tell that you're tired of being lonely Take my hand, don't let go, baby hold me Come to me and let me be your one and only 'Cause I can make it all right 'til the morning
Hold my hand Baby, I promise that I do all I can Things will get better if you just hold my hand Nothing will come between us if you just Hold, hold my, hold my, hold my hand (Hold my hand)
Hold my hand (Yeah, yeah) All I can (Yeah, yeah)
Hold my hand Hold my hand Nothing can come between us if you just Hold, hold my, hold my, hold my hand Hold my hand Hold my hand



Calendar song for kids

days of the week

Days of the week-video

days of the week

Days of the week --song

days of the week

Days of the week song

http://www.eslgamesworld.com/members/games /vocabulary/labeling/School/index.html

Label Game


Family menbers


Body parts video


Animals and objects video

classroom objects

classroom objects song

classroom objects

classroom objects and commands 4
classroom objects and commands 3

class objects

Classroom objects and commands 2
Classroom objects and commands 1

Helbide honetan abesti errazak aurkitzen ahal dituzue zuen seme-alabekin abesteko. Ea ongi pasatzen duzuen abesten eta elkar egoten! Animo!